الرئيس تبون يامر بفتح تحقيق مستعجل
أمر رئيس الجمهورية عبد المجيد تبون خلال اجتماع المجلس الأعلى للأمن الإسراع في فتح تحقيقات معمقة في أسباب التي كانت وراء حرائق الغابات، وانقطاع التزويد بالكهرباء والماء الصالح للشرب.
البيان الكامل لاجتماع المجلس الأعلى للأمن
وجاء البيان الكامل لإجتماع المجلس الأعلى الأمن كمايلي:ترأس عبد المجيد تبون رئيس الجمهورية القائد الأعلى للقوات المسلحة وزير الدفاع الوطني، اليوم الإثنين 03 أوت 2020، اجتماعا للمجلس الأعلى للأمن خصص لتقييم الوضع العام في البلاد في ضوء التطورات المرتبطة بجائحة كوفيد 19.
وقد سمح الاجتماع باستعراض الشروط الكفيلة بعودة المصلين إلى المساجد في ظروف تضمن توفير الشروط القصوى لاحترام الإجراءات الصحية التي يفرضها التصدي للجائحة.
وبهذا الصدد، وجه رئيس الجمهورية الوزير الأول لبرمجة إعادة فتح دور العبادة بشكل تدريجي على أن ينحصر الأمر في المرحلة الأولى في كبرى المساجد التي تسع على الأقل لألف مصل، ويتسنى فيها احترام شرطي التباعد الجسدي وارتداء الكمامة اللازمين.
كما درس المجلس الأعلى للأمن إعادة فتح الشواطئ والمنتزهات وأماكن الاستراحة للمواطنين خاصة في هذا الموسم الصيفي.
وقد كلف رئيس الجمهورية في هذا الشأن الوزير الأول باتخاذ الاجراءات اللازمة لفتح هذه المساحات بشكل تدريجي يسمح كذلك بالاحترام الصارم للتدابير الوقائية، وأمر هنا مسؤولي مصالح الأمن بالسهر بحضور أمني مكثف في الميدان على حسن تنفيذ تعليمات التباعد بين المصطافين وارتداء الكمامة، كما كلّف رئيس الجمهورية الوزير الأول بإعداد المراسيم المتضمنة الطرق العملية لتطبيق هذه الاجراءات بصفة مرنة، وستبقى الدولة في كل الحالات يقظة وساهرة على التقيد الصارم من طرف المواطنين بهذه التدابير التي يمكن إعادة النظر فيها في حالة تفاقم الوضعية الصحية لأن الأمر يتعلق بداهة بصحة وسلامة الجميع.
كما كان الاجتماع أيضا فرصة لبحث تراكم عدد من الإختلالات الخطيرة التي أثرت سلبا في الأسابيع الأخيرة على حياة المواطن واتخذت في بعض الأحيان شكل أعمال تخريبية بغرض عرقلة السير الحسن للإقتصاد الوطني ومؤسسات البلاد.
وفي ختام اجتماع المجلس الأعلى للأمن، وبعد الاستماع إلى عرض مفصل للوزير الأول، ألح رئيس الجمهورية على الإسراع في فتح تحقيقات معمقة في أسباب هذه السلوكات التي كانت وراء حرائق الغابات، وانقطاع التزويد بالكهرباء والماء الصالح للشرب، والاختفاء المفاجئ للسيولة في المراكز البريدية، وتخريب قارورات وخزانات الاكسيجين في المستشفيات، حتى يتم تحديد مسؤوليات الجهات الفاعلة بدقة.
President Tabun orders an urgent investigation
The President of the Republic, Abdel Majid Taboun, during the Supreme Security Council meeting, ordered the expeditious opening of in-depth investigations into the reasons behind the forest fires, and the interruption of the supply of electricity and clean drinking water.
On Monday 03 August 2020, Abdul Majeed Tabun, President of the Republic, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces and Minister of National Defense chaired a meeting of the Supreme Security Council devoted to assessing the general situation in the country in light of developments related to the Covid 19 pandemic.
The meeting allowed for a review of the conditions for the worshipers to return to the mosques in circumstances that ensure the provision of the maximum conditions for respecting the health procedures imposed by the response to the pandemic.
In this regard, the President directed the Prime Minister to program the gradual reopening of places of worship, provided that the matter is restricted to the first stage in the major mosques that accommodate at least one thousand worshipers, and in which respect for the conditions of physical separation and the wearing of the required mask can be respected.
The Supreme Security Council also studied reopening beaches, parks and rest areas for citizens, especially in this summer season.
In this regard, the President of the Republic has instructed the Prime Minister to take the necessary measures to gradually open these spaces, which also allow strict respect for preventive measures, and hereby instructed the officials of the security services to ensure an intensive security presence in the field on the proper implementation of the instructions for spacing between the vacationers and wearing the muzzle, as the President of the Republic mandated the Minister The first is to prepare decrees that include practical ways to implement these procedures in a flexible manner, and the state will in all cases remain vigilant and watchful of strict adherence by citizens to these measures that can be reconsidered in the event of a worsening of the health status because the matter relates to the health and safety of all.
The meeting was also an opportunity to discuss the accumulation of a number of serious imbalances that negatively affected the lives of citizens in recent weeks and in some cases took the form of sabotage acts in order to obstruct the good functioning of the national economy and the country's institutions.
At the conclusion of the meeting of the Supreme Security Council, after listening to a detailed presentation of the Prime Minister, the President of the Republic urged to expedite the opening of in-depth investigations into the causes of these behaviors that were behind the forest fires, the interruption of the supply of electricity and clean drinking water, the sudden disappearance of liquidity in the postal centers, and the sabotage of vials And oxygen tanks in hospitals, so that the responsibilities of the actors are precisely defined.
full statement of the Supreme Security Council meeting
The full statement of the Supreme Security Council meeting came as follows:On Monday 03 August 2020, Abdul Majeed Tabun, President of the Republic, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces and Minister of National Defense chaired a meeting of the Supreme Security Council devoted to assessing the general situation in the country in light of developments related to the Covid 19 pandemic.
The meeting allowed for a review of the conditions for the worshipers to return to the mosques in circumstances that ensure the provision of the maximum conditions for respecting the health procedures imposed by the response to the pandemic.
In this regard, the President directed the Prime Minister to program the gradual reopening of places of worship, provided that the matter is restricted to the first stage in the major mosques that accommodate at least one thousand worshipers, and in which respect for the conditions of physical separation and the wearing of the required mask can be respected.
The Supreme Security Council also studied reopening beaches, parks and rest areas for citizens, especially in this summer season.
In this regard, the President of the Republic has instructed the Prime Minister to take the necessary measures to gradually open these spaces, which also allow strict respect for preventive measures, and hereby instructed the officials of the security services to ensure an intensive security presence in the field on the proper implementation of the instructions for spacing between the vacationers and wearing the muzzle, as the President of the Republic mandated the Minister The first is to prepare decrees that include practical ways to implement these procedures in a flexible manner, and the state will in all cases remain vigilant and watchful of strict adherence by citizens to these measures that can be reconsidered in the event of a worsening of the health status because the matter relates to the health and safety of all.
The meeting was also an opportunity to discuss the accumulation of a number of serious imbalances that negatively affected the lives of citizens in recent weeks and in some cases took the form of sabotage acts in order to obstruct the good functioning of the national economy and the country's institutions.
At the conclusion of the meeting of the Supreme Security Council, after listening to a detailed presentation of the Prime Minister, the President of the Republic urged to expedite the opening of in-depth investigations into the causes of these behaviors that were behind the forest fires, the interruption of the supply of electricity and clean drinking water, the sudden disappearance of liquidity in the postal centers, and the sabotage of vials And oxygen tanks in hospitals, so that the responsibilities of the actors are precisely defined.